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Submission to DAE Game Projects 2020
Return to Aåstro
Aåstro now realeased!
May 27, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
You can download and Play the game, most of the small issues from previous build is mostly tackled down. Enjoy!...
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Week 10
May 13, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
Kevan: Again this week I was focusing searching for bug's and optimizations, i tackled few bugs out such as: Runtime null Exception errors, Player on death was not always spawned to the base, Turret t...
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Week 9
May 05, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
Kevan: Another week in the polish sprint, where we really dug deep into small bug's and things that we're not suppose to be. Most of the time spend is fixing those small problem that we didn't account...
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Week 8
April 28, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
There is a start menu, and a preview of your character in the game, you can choose between 3 weapons. (UI is made by Louis). We had some difficulties with the outline shader to apply a fade effect, we...
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Week 7
April 22, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
This Easter holiday we worked very hard to make our game more interesting, the first feature we've added is breakable rocks. this can be used for the environment in the future. Second thing, we made t...
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Week 6
March 31, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
This week we all we're a little bit busy with other courses and since we're in the second week of quarantine of the coronavirus we're all a bit depressed of the situation :P . There's some work done,...
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Week 5
March 24, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
As another week goes by... There are a lot of changes in terms of Graphics and mechanics. For the developers, we have added the rope that is attached to the player (to the base) we have set a limit wh...
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Week 4
March 17, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen Aitor made the design and mesh for the main character that will be reused for the 4 diferent classes. He made the design and mesh for the base. ( S...
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Week 2
March 10, 2020
we made a placeholder mesh for our player characters, and added a simple idle animation and running animation to it. We also made the first version of our moveable base. The base has 4 pressure plates...
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Week 3
March 10, 2020
On our third, and hopefully last week of prototyping, we have merged all of the gameplay elements we have tested out in the past few weeks into one big prototype that is ready to be played. We also h...
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Week 1
February 26, 2020
Kevan Vanderstichelen
[PROTOTYPE] [UNREAL ENGINE] - Implemented Rope that is attached to all players on the field - Designed a start screen - Artbible & tech document are 50% completed Made it possible to play with multipl...
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