Week 9

Another week in the polish sprint, where we really dug deep into small bug's and things that we're not suppose to be. Most of the time spend is fixing those small problem that we didn't account to, such as in the build was the health bars not facing the camera, You could drop items in the base and would make it buggy, Base top mesh was not fadeable anymore because of the shader so we just went without fading effect after a long discussion. The base was moving on itself when game is paused, When you fall from a platform you we're just stuck. And we improved the environment colliders + some level design that the gameplay is more balanced. I Also improved the turret, it destroy's after using certain amount of ammo, and has smoking effect when it's almost at their end of his lifetime.
Also the side buttons on the base was suppose to rotate (was bugged in previous version) now it's fully working + hovering effect that works perfectly.
We implemented some audio's in the game, it's 30% finished but still lot of work.
This week we worked on improving the feeling of the game. To literally do that controller-vibrations were added when the player shoots his gun or when he gets hit by an enemy.
(explanatory gif)
Another request feature to improve the feeling was frame-freeze. Frame-freeze is when the game gets paused or slowed down for a very shot period. We added this on the killing of an enemy to give a feeling of impact.
(frame-freeze made longer for gif)
(slowmotion variant, also longer slow-mo for gif)
This frame-freeze was more work then i thought it would be. Because when I freeze the game some counters/clocks don't work anymore. This would lead to unexpected reactions but worst of all, the frame would not end.
Therefor I made a custom invoke system that would use the unscaledTime in Unity. This system can be used almost exactly like the default invoke system.

Gun sounds are also implemented so you can hear the chaos of slaying alien-robots. I also (just like Wouter) searched for assault-rifle sounds.
Like you could read in last weeks blog there were some problems with the enemy movement. I made the separate project to test whats wrong and how we could improve it. In this project I experimented with Unity's navigation system and learned it's features and limitations. One of the limitations is that agents cannot calculate another path if other agents are blocking it, there is only a simple avoidance system.
This why our enemies sometimes push each other away instead of walking around each other. To fix this we should use an entire different navigation system, something we cannot do in the polishing stage.
The result of this project is good-working movement code, a better way of choosing ones destination, lots of gizmos and a better understanding of Unity's navigation system.
Last but not least there are some small improvements (different playermodels, balanced loot drops, ...) and bug fixes (ant-sized gun, playerpreview not disappearing, ...) like usual.
I made a lot of vfx for the base, environment, torret destroy, bullets etc etc. I made some materials for a lot of meshes like the green plants or the oxygen tube or the laser. I fixed lot, I MEAN A LOT of art bugs and worked on performance. I detailed the environment. I added colors for the diefernt players withc means a lot of new textures....
and things I am sure that I forgot because with polish is all about the details and there are a lot of them that I've been working on.
Get Aåstro
Open world | Shooter | Survival | Action | Local Co-op | Puzzle
Status | Released |
Authors | Kevan Vanderstichelen, UNIT1337, aitor7979, louish_dae |
Genre | Action, Adventure, Puzzle, Shooter, Survival |
Tags | 3D, Controller, Co-op, Local multiplayer, Open World, Sci-fi |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Interactive tutorial |
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